Choral Workshops and Coaching

Genesis Sixteen Consort Tutorials

Genesis Sixteen is a choral course for young singers from the ages of 18-23. We audition yearly for a group of singers who have four week long and weekend courses throughout the year, funded by the Genesis Foundation. I am one of the tutors leading sessions in consort singing, working on one to a part madrigal and polyphonic repertoire.

The Sixteen  Chorister Workshops

In conjunction with our Choral Pilgrimage concerts, The Sixteen offer workshops to the choristers of the churches and cathedrals in which we perform.

I’ve led sessions all over the country, working with choirs in the Cathedrals of Truro, St Asaph’s, Blackburn, Manchester, Newcastle and the Minsters of Hull and Southwell.

The Gabrieli Consort ROAR coaching sessions

Gabrieli ROAR is a unique partnership between the Gabrieli Consort and a network of diverse British youth choirs.  I have taken sessions in Bradford coaching the singers on works later performed in Ely Cathedral with the Gabrieli Consort.

ORA Singers Composer’s mentor

The choral ensemble ORA holds yearly choral composition competitions for young writers. From 2019 - 2022 I was asked to mentor 2 of the composers who were chosen to take part; helping them with their ideas and giving my input both as a singer and a composer. I also sing in workshops to help the composers with ideas about their pieces and perform the works in the final competition concerts.

Photography by Nick Rutter, with permission of ORA Singers

Photography by Nick Rutter, with permission of ORA Singers

The final concert of all the pieces at Kings College Chapel in London. It was judged by Stephen Fry, Jonathan Rutter, Katie Tearle and Susanna Eastburn. 

Photography by Nick Rutter, with permission of ORA Singers

Photography by Nick Rutter, with permission of ORA Singers

Stay at Home choir

This is an online choir for singers all over the world.

Coaching with Sir James MacMillan on his motet Oh Radiant Dawn, April 2020

Taking a workshop with Sir Karl Jenkins on piece The Armed man, A Mass for Peace with 600 sopranos and altos from all corners of the planet, June 2020